25 February 2007

Wanna buy a kitchen?

The work has continued a pace at Ruby St. But then it slowed down. We nearly bought a wonderful, handmade English kitchen but we were stymied slightly. Although we could get the kitchen at a ridiculous discount because of the fact that Jeff & Darren are nice guys, we were going to get seriously burned on the install, by some shower of Brizzle big boys. So we decided to go for a nice Ikea one.

Either way, we have to get rid of the existing one which you can buy here, if you need a second hand free standing kitchen.

We're going to spend the money we would have spent on the installation on a nice holiday. Just so you can enjoy the photos. Aren't we sweet? Damn right, we are.

19 February 2007

Nice van, nasty moniker.

To the enlightened like me, I can see that these vans are all named after locations on the shipping forecast. However, I’m not sure how the wider general public will take to a camper van named ‘Dogger’. Wouldn’t you forever have the worry that you’d turn round to find Stan Collymore’s boat pressed against the window while he feverishly played pocket billiards? Perhaps it is just me.

Nice ‘dubs though.

14 February 2007

Skuba on You Tube

Well, well, well. Nutter has discovered that there is footage of Skuba on You Tube. It's a video from Blissfields 2006. Which I think we're honoured to be playing again this year. You can get tickets for the most exclusive day out of the summer here.