30 December 2006

Update AVG Free

If you are a friend or relative that has followed my recommendation to install AVG Free on your PC as your AntiVirus Software, then you are probably being reminded to update to the latest software. Now, being a commercial enterprise the chaps that make AVG Free would prefer you to buy their professional product. It is a pretty fantastic product but you can probably live without it, if you are only going to use the software for your personal use. So, to update follow the instructions below.... it's actually pretty simple, but I've broken it right down to make it even easier. It's worth reading it through completely before you start!

Step 1.
Click where indicated to get to the correctr page of the AVG website.

Step 2.
Skip all the info about the full versionas of the product and click where I've arrowed to get to the Free AntiVirus Software.

Step 3.
Scroll down the page and RIGHT MOUSE CLICK on the text that says 'avg75free_432a861.exe' , then from the menu that appears select 'Save Target As...' and save the file to your desk top or somewhere where you'll easily find it again.

Step 4.
Once the file has downloaded (it's about 16MB, I think), locate it and double click it, then select 'Run'

Step 5.
then 'Next'

Step 6.
You may have to agree to some licence stuff and click next a couple more times, but just make sure that when you are required to Select Set Up Type, choose 'Repair Installation' and click 'Next'

Step 7.
Assuming all is well, the program will install and you'll need to restart and then come back here.

Step 8.
After restarting Windows will pop up lots of stuff saying you need to update your virus definitions. Ignore this, as AVG free will soon open automatically and you can click the 'Check For Updates' button.

Step 9.
The software will check and then if you need to update (you will) it will tell you in a pop up window and all you need to do is select 'Update'. And now you're done!

Hit the red X in the top of your screen to close the virus stuff and you're away.

Email me if you get stuck!!

25 December 2006

Home from Skuba Yuletide Extravaganza

Well, you'd have been surprised at the amount of people who turned up! There were two minibuses of people who turned up claiming to be our "fanclub" , which was delightful. Rolfy worked the door and I believe that we were close to a capacity crowd. Unfortunately we didn't play brilliantly (we were even more under-rehearsed than normal) but we were able to entertain the gathered throng and gave out lots of T-shirts, Kazoos, Sleigh Bells and insults. The sound of Johnny Mathis' 'When a child is born' being played through a couple of hundred Kazoos with accappella acomniment by some inebriated, sentimental Skubafans is something that warms the cockles. It would terrify many sane, upstanding members of the community, which is only right.

On the way back from Southampton to Bristol we drove around dropping of gifts and festive cheer to the many members of our family, we were greeted with open arms on all occasions that we found someone at home. Which was once. The Doctor was ill and therefore not sight-seeing with her visiting sister and brother-in-law from Tennessee.

We dropped off the presents for the boys, Doctor and Spammer and then made our way through freezing fog back to Brizzle where Momma P & TGP where waiting for us, having been faster in their Hyanduff than Rolf and I were in the Couchon Vert. Something to do with wind resistance I rekon.
We saw some nice old Cow Parsley on the way back too.

19 December 2006

Hot ticket this Thursday

It's the Yuletiude Extravaganza everyone is talking about - get your tickets here: www.skuba.co.uk

11 December 2006

Cool book for saddos like me

It's a book of photos from the Mars rover. Which sounds a bit like a command you might give to your dog if you wanted the hound to return with a bar of choclate delicately held between his teeth.

"Mars, Rover!"

I'd suggest you use a suitable breed for this task, such as a KC Spaniel or Lab. They have the gentle touch required (after some training with pepper filled eggshells) to ensure they don't puncture the wrapper and salivate all over your chocolate, caramel and nougat confection.

Under no circumstances trust this task to a toy poodle. They are little balls of hate and would think nothing of eating your chocolate, biting the soft parts of your face and defecating in the living room. During a party. Kill them. Kill them all.

10 December 2006

Breast reduction? Gives plastic surgery a bad name.

When Rolf indicated that she was unhappy with the size of one of her breasts, I was my normal supportive self and said that if she thought she'd feel better about herself, then she should get both upgraded, possibly to Jordan proportions, and I wouldn't think less of her. The thought actually crossed my mind that maybe I should get a couple fitted myself, so I don't have to pester poor Rolf so much, and if I were to have the op at the same time as her, perhaps we could get a 'buy 2 - get 4' sort of deal. These thoughts were put aside (probably for the best) when Rolf stated that she didn't want bigger breasts, infact she wanted a reduction in size! She allowed me to weep and plead with her for at least 15 minutes before informing me that she was not referring to her own beautifully proportioned assets, but those of the chimney in the kitchen.

It seems that because we live in a terrace of the Victorian era, there is a fireplace in most rooms and the one in the kitchen is quite big because it used to have a stove in it. My building skills don't quote stretch to this sort of job, so we called in the experts of Proline. This is how it is going so far....

Day 1 - Steve and the chaps smash stuff about.

Day 2 - Propping the gaff up

Day 3 - Proline SMASH, Proline SMASH

Day 4 - Rolfy, if the doors and windows are softwood, won't we have to paint them a hundred times?

Day 5 - Yes.

Day 25 - The plasterer cometh.

So. Now we have to get in a new kitchen. We may go for a Pikea or the other end of the scale with a Searle & Taylor..... watch this space.

03 December 2006

Ottery St Mary. A town of insanity

Big John sent out the order: "Isle of Wight Tripper's Reunion, My Place, Bonfire Night".

Now, for the septics reading this 'Bonfire night' is a celebration of a terrorist attack that very nearly took place at the Houses of Parliament (which is a bit like your House of Representatives, but with more gold leaf, better speeches and a bigger clock). Unlike your elected officials, ours chose to listen to the intelligence and found Guy Fawkes (a white guy, we didn't even have the benefit of looking for someone 'olive skinned', although.... he did have a beard. Hmmmm), with several barrels of gunpowder and a box of Swan Vestas in the cellars of Parliament. Naturally, being good stiff upper lipped English men, Guy's captors tortured him until he gave up the names of his fellow insurgents and then hung, drew and quartered him.... Which essentially means, he was hung by the neck in the normal way, then pulled apart by some horses and some rope and then buried in four bloody lumps in four different parishes, which meant that he would be unable to enter heaven, even if he had prayed for redemption with his last (very painful, metallic tasting) breath. We choose to remember this act by teaching little children a rhyme:

Remember, remember,
The fifth of November,
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason,
Why gunpowder 'n' treason,
Should ever be forgot.

So we don't forget this treason, every year on the 5th November it is traditional to make a big bonfire, put an effigy of Guy Fawkes on it and set fire to the lot. Then we have fireworks. It's a bit like the 4th of July in Tennessee or East Texas, but with burning effigies instead of burning crosses.

To the non-Brit, and indeed to some Brits, this is all a little weird. However, it's all good fun and apart from the odd calamity with a hot sparkler, or stupidity from kids who fake their ID to be able to buy fireworks and then empty them into a friends upturned palm and then light them (I did this to David Jarvis and my Uncle Bill had to take him to hospital) it's quite harmless.

Slightly more weird is what they do in Ottery St Mary. Essentially, they simply do the whole bonfire thing, but carry it about, while drunk, through very crowded streets of highly excited people who have also been taking drink.

All the pubs in the town 'sponsor' a barrel or two, for children (some as young as 4), youths, ladies and men. For a few months before the 5th Nov, they smear the inside with tar every few days, layer upon layer and then a day or so before, they put some extra tar in to swirl around in liquid form.

Then they wait for the streets to fill. Really fill. There is no room to escape, if you try to run away you run into some people who are trying to run away, and if your try to run further than them there is a wall - either a real wall, or a wall of people pushing towards you to be part of the action.Here is a youth sized barrel:

Shortly after these relaxed photos, we tried to find a pub that was not stacked to the gunnels with massively drunk Devonshire people, staring madly at Grockels like us. We failed in that regard, but we succeeded in losing Tigger. When we found her again we became involved in the a "Lady's race" where we were nearly all crushed to death at the bottom of a hill and Tigger had to fend of the barrel before it set fire to her person! Here's the footage of the panic....

Almost by sheer weight of people we were forced into the nearest pub where we prepared to see a proper 'Men's Race' which now we'd felt the terror of the herd, seemed like a less scary prospect. How wrong we were. How wrong.

A barrel carrying man: And us:
And then they light a Man's Barrel: And then someone picks it up and runs at us with it: This is a big barrel. It's a very scary thing as you trip on the broken glass that is EVERYWHERE because people have been drinking and running, like startled buffalo ALL DAY. The place has a stink of death about it, there are ambulances everywhere and if you don't get out the way for the blues and twos (as some people were stupid enough to do) then you get decked by an off duty barrel carrier.

I spoke to one of the chaps who used to do this every year and he said a few interesting things...

"I started when I was about 4 or 5 years old. Mind you, you don't carry it on your shoulders at that age, you just pass it about. It would be too dangerous to carry it" Er. Quite.

"Sometimes you hear people say, 'they can't get me up here' when they have climbed up on the wall of the bank'... it's not true, you just run underneath them when the barrel's got a proper burn on and they come tumbling down into the street... once there were two people up in a tree down thar, me and my mate stood under it, fighting over the barrel and the tree caught fire." Nice.

"You should see the big barrel they do at midnight. There's only two blokes in the whole town big enough to lift it." Good. Nice and dangerous then, since they've both been drinking free ale since about 9AM.

I asked if he still did it... "Nah, I'm too old now" (he looked in his early 40's) "and I got burned a bit and ever since I didn't enjoy it.... plus you have to pay for most of your beer now"

"Were you badly burned?" I enquire, somewhat in awe of this god.

"Not really, just down here" at which point he indicates pretty much his whole right side. "When I woke up in the morning, it hurt so much I went to the hospital"

"Oooh. Quite nasty then?"

"Yes, I was in hospital for a fortnight"

This underlines what a stupid, dangerous and downright foolhardy tradition the Tar Barrels are. I wish I had been born in Ottery St Mary! What a brilliant idea! Let's run round with burning barrels on our backs until we (or members of the public) catch fire!

Actually, although dangerous when the barrel goes by and you're flung to the ground there is like a second sweep of Barrel Men who sweep people up with loads of 'Are you OK love?' and 'Easy fella' which is great.

Sadly it's a dying tradition - popular as it is, it seems that some people are suing if they get burnt or hurt. What did they think was going to happen when they saw the guy carrying a barrel full of burning tar, past a sign that says 'Burning Barrels of Tar are going to come through here and unless you are a six foot brick shit house made of asbestos, you are going to get crushed and burned, possibly badly.', through a street packed with so many people that it's only just possible to breathe.... ? I ask you!

People of a litigious bent should be burned at the stake. On a pile of diesel soaked lawyers.

After the Tar Barrels we went back to Big John's rural lair and watched the fireworks that Tigger and Rolf had purchased from the second best agricultural co-operative society.

New Sites This Month

Here are the people I've made happy with cracking new websites this month:

Aquarium, pond products and fish food - Aquabuy.net

Management and Defence Consultantcy Services - Thatcher MCS

There are more in the pipeline, lots more. Oooooh baby If I was a meal I'd be Salesman steak (12 oz) with a Project Management Sauce and side of Profit Fries.

Bristol Zoo, with The Doctor, Spammer & Boys

Halloween means Pumpkin carving at Brizzle Zoo and The Doctor can't bear to resist dressing the boys in ludicrous outfits for any festival, pagan, Christian or otherswise. so they joined us for a weekend of looking at the monkeys.

It rained all day on and off and the boys spent much of it cooped up in the chair, but occasionally we gave them leave to run around and wreak havoc.

After the zoo, we carved pumkins..... here they are. From L - R Jon's, Rolf's The Doctor's and Spammer's.

Although Rolfy and me aren't quite as acomplished pumkin carvers as Spammer and The Doctor, we did grow ours in the garden.... these are the fruits of my Pumplin Humpkin back in June. Next year, we'll grow some reall biguns. Gynormus inumms.